I'm dying.
I've known for a while now. Every day that passes is one day closer to my last. Reflecting on that can be frightening. Yet, at other times it can be liberating. A push for change, to do the things I want. It forces me to think about how I'm living my life and what my priorities are.
I should clarify that I have no known health problems and am planning to live to 100 at least. But, nevertheless I still know I will die someday. The haunting part is it could be any day. It doesn't have to come slowly from a disease I know I have. It could also happen instantly without warning. If I don't enjoy today, I might not get another chance at it.
So if my days are limited, how will I spend these final days? Most adults spend the majority of their waking lives at work. It is the expected thing. Some people enjoy working or at least say they do. I'm not one of those people. But I'm not lazy. I'll work for free if I believe the cause is worthy.
Work is not the only restricter of freedom, but it is the most time consuming and visible one. Even if you are passionate about what you do there will still be compromises you need to make for the sake of your job. Also, in my experience, people who are passionate about their jobs are still more passionate about the vacations they take away from work. To me, that says something.
As I understand the economy, work is for money, which is to buy things, which creates work, ad infinitum (you have to pretend that the earth is infinitely large instead of being limited in size and resources, which is what people currently do). I am willing to give up consumerism for more free time. It's not good for me or the environment. Experiences can be exchanged for money, but they don't have to be. There are plenty that are available for free or at a great discount with just a little effort. So if I can mostly remove the need for money from the equation, then work would also be unnecessary after a certain point. If I can obtain/maintain a minimal stream of income then the work would again be unnecessary.
My time is very valuable to me. It is limited and always decreasing. With more of my time available, I can determine what activities are the most important to me and pursue them. I can work when and how I want, for pay or not. I can study the things I want to learn. I can travel. I can visit with friends and family. I can visit nature. I can sit and be calm.
I'll need to spend my time taking care of the things I don't have the money to solve. I'll need to be flexible and willing to change my plans based on my circumstances.
I don't know what makes a life purposeful and enjoyable, but I'm trying to move in that direction.